1.16 This Spiritual Fix Podcast - Rejection : Recognizing and Loving the Fugitive

the primal wounds series, part three

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In this third episode of eight five part series, Kristina explores the primal wound of Rejection. Have you ever experienced the sadness of feeling rejected ? In this informative episode you will learn how to recognize the ways in which the rejection wound shows up in your every day life. Our hosts discuss how “fugitive” behavior is the coping mechanism to protect oneself from this wound. And, they explore tools and experiences that helped them forgive and love their own sense of rejection.

Did you enjoy this episode? Explore our other episodes on the primal wounds of abandonment, injustice, betrayal, and humiliation.

If you liked this episode, click here to learn about our five week masterclass on healing The Mother Wound.

PDF Download:
1.16 Summary of the Rejection Wound

Healing Packet:

Heal your Injustice Wound


What is your primary wound ? Click here.


I Am That, by Nisargadatta Maharaj

Heal Your Wounds and Find Your True Self, By Lise Bourbeau

How to Feed Your Demons

Rejection-Proof your Inner Child, video by Marisa Peer

Uncompromised Life 8-week Course by Marisa Peer

Where is My Mind, by the Pixies

“You need not get at it, for you are it. It will get at you. . . Let go of your attachment to the unreal and the real will swiftly and soothly step in on its own.”

-Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj