3.01 A Conversation with Krishna Das: Love Everyone. Serve Everyone. Remember God.


It is better to see God in everything than to try to figure it out.- Neem Karoli Baba


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The legendary kirtan* singer, Krishna Das, joins us today as we discuss the hinderances we face in carrying out his guru’s teachings. His guru, Neem Karoli Baba, taught above all to love everyone, to serve everyone, and to remember God. How can we love ourselves if we think we are worthless? How can we remember God in this crazy world? Krishna Das answers ours questions, and graces our podcast with his chanting of Govinda Hare Gopal Hare.

Also discussed today: Ram Dass, living from the heart, Sri Siddhi Ma, drug addiction, dreams, and chanting.

  • *Note: Kirtan is a practice of bhakti yoga (devotional yoga) that uses call and repeat, reciting or praising through song / chantings an aspect of divinity.


Anna’s Favorite Kirtan

Krishna Das’ Online Courses

Krishna Das' Website

Neem Karoli Baba

Power of a Loving Heart (Online Course with Krishna Das & Sharon Salzberg)

Ram Dass Episode (This Spiritual Fix)

Sharon Salzberg

Sri Siddhi Ma

Weekly Free Satsang “Hanging Out in the Heart Space” (Thursday evenings)

Krishna Das, click on photo to be directed to his page

“Chanting breaks down the difference between the inside and the outside. It’s about having a heart that never shuts down, that nothing can shut down.

- Krishna Das

“To have continuous water supply to a city, the pumps must be working day and night. Likewise, in order to keep the heart filled with the sweetness of the Divine presence, constant remembrance of Him is essential.”

- Anandamayi Ma

“Its all grace. But you have to act like it isn’t.”

- Sri Siddhi Ma

“It’s all one.”

-Neem Karoli Baba


A special thanks to Nina Rao & Lucie Fisher for making this episode happen. Thank you, Krishna Das, for blessing us with your wisdom and chanting, and Ram Dass & Maharaji who were with us in spirit.

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