6.04 The Power of Hypnosis : An Interview with Drake Eastburn

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Welcome to This Spiritual Fix podcast where we discuss any topic in the mystical and self-help genre. Today, we have a very special guest, Drake Eastburn, a Board Certified Hypnotherapist (BCH) and Certified Instructor (CI) through the National Guild of Hypnotists (NGH). Drake and his wife Lynsi are the co-founders of the Eastburn Hypnotherapy Clinic and Eastburn Institute of Hypnotherapy.

Drake is the official hypnotist to the U.S. Olympic Cycling and has more than 40 years’ experience in the field of hypnotism. He and his wife maintain a thriving private practice with offices in the Denver Metro area. He works with clients globally via telephone, Zoom, and Skype. His wife works with women facing fertility challenges.

One of the most prolific authors in contemporary hypnotism, Drake has written seven books on the subject, several of which are used in hypnotherapy trainings globally. His books include The Power of the Past (healing through regression hypnotherapy); Power Patter (a script book for hypnotherapists); The Therapeutic Hypnotist (become the best therapeutic hypnotist you can be); The Power of Suggestion—What Every Hypnotist Needs to Know; No Time to Waist—Powerful Hypnotic Weight Loss Secrets You NEED to Know, and the definitive work on his profession, What Is Hypnosis? Drake’s most recent publication The Hypnotist’s Bible—A Reference and A Journey was released in 2019.


Drake's Website

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