6.02 The Money Wound, Part II: Leanne Rose & The Galayla Collective

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Today we our listeners are graced with the presence of Leanne Rose, who channels the Galayla Collective. We address The Money Wound and how it relates to the entirety of your life, as the Galayla Collective says, “you can’t compartmentalize energy.”

Leanne is a Therapist, Healer and Trans-Channel for a Source Frequency Collective Consciousness known as The Galayla Collective, who specialize in assisting souls to master Manifestation at the highest level through intricate and detailed teachings around the nature of Divinity, the Human experience and the very fabric of Reality itself. Leanne and The Galayla Collective are here to support The New Paradigm of Manifestation and the anchoring in of 6th dimensional consciousness on the planet, going far beyond the 5D Frequencies into all levels of our Multidimensionality, tapping into our raw Power as Source Energy in Human Form. Aswell as assisting souls to Create the life they desire in all areas, without sacrifice, they also specialise in helping souls discover their Core Source Frequency Vision and Legacy so they can birth and build their highest Purpose into the world with an impact that is designed to serve the highest frequencies of Love across the planet.


The Money Wound, Part I

Leanne Rose’s Website

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