3.02 Eight Paths to Enlightenment: The Branches of Yoga

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In this episode we explore eight different branches of yoga: Tantra, Hatha, Bhakti, Karma, Mantra, Jnana, Raja, and Guru Yoga. That’s right - eight different branches of yoga - because yoga means so much more than making postures. Yoga, stemming from Hinduism, means to yoke oneself with the Divine. Enjoy a conversation between two best friends playfully discuss these yogic branches. They also compare and contrast the Hindu path of liberation with the Buddhist path of self-realization.

Also discussed today: the mother wound, Krishna Das, the pineal gland, and more.

Trigger warning: brief description of a sexual assault.


Aghoris of Varanasi, India

The Chakras

Drunvalo Melchizedek

Holy Smoke!, film

In Search of Secret India by Paul Brunton

Shortcut to Nirvana, documentary

Kristina Wiltsee